Thursday, September 28, 2006


It's a little bit like banana, where you first go "bana" nope not enough "na"s so then you go "bananana" nope too many. It takes some practice.

But, YEAH! I live in Indiana now. It is really cool here (not cool as in BRRR, not yet anyways) and things are neat!! We live in a decent apartment i.e. there is enough space but the dishwasher is crap (making me the new dishwasher) and the maintenance guys are slllooowww to get anything done. But our neighbors are super nice. Our one neighbor upstairs is awesome, he says he doesn't think Taz counts as a dog, yet he brings him bones and cows ears and all kinds of things. So now Taz thinks ALL black people want to give him food. Except that doesn't really work with the black kids, they are scared of him. Which is sad, because once he senses their fear he gets uppity and that scares them more. It is a vicious cycle.

So yeah, we love it here and I will apologize in advance but I don't foresee us moving back to WA. Sure it is beautiful, but it is beautiful here too.

In other news we bought a car. We had to leave my little Ford up in WA so we bought a
replacement. We are super excited because we will probably be getting it in mid-October, in plenty of time for our trip to Louisiana.

What's that you say? Louisiana? Yeah, that is our destination for Thanksgiving. I get to go to Louisiana! I never (seriously, never thought we'd be able to go) thought I'd be going to Louisiana, even for a couple days. Yet another reason I like it here, it is a lot closer to those places I'd like to visit, but doubted I'd ever be able to, like Louisiana and NYC and Chicago.

Haven't been to Chicago yet. We were supposed to be going this weekend, to meet up with Erik's friend Atom, but we had to adjust our plans. So another time for Chicago.

Anywho, that is what is going on with us. We are here, we luurrve it, and come visit sometime!!