Monday, February 06, 2006

All My Secrets.

I have some secrets. Most of them are about myself, things I have done, things i want to do. Occasionally I just want to tell everyone all my secrets. To just get them out on the table and say "There. That's me. Still think I'm (fill in the blank)?" just to get stuff off my chest. I have been to that website where you can type in your secret and disappears into all the other secrets and no one ever sees it. But I don't really want my secrets to just disappear. I want them to be where folks can read them and maybe even call me on it. Say : "I didn't know that about you." but at the same time there are reasons that these things are secrets. Reasons I never told anyone. But I am not sure they are very good reasons. Reasons like I am ashamed I did this, or I wish I still (fill in the blank) and of course the ever-present I dont want you to think less of me for doing this. Anyways. I just want you to know that I do have secrets and that I think they are going to come out soon. Not come out as in the police are going to dig up bodies, but comeout as in I don't think I can stand by and watch people make the same mistakes I did. Not when maybe I can point them away from it.

1 comment:

Megan said...


yes, i'm pretty sure i have this exact same feeling. maybe a little different, but still. i like what you've said because i can't put it into words.
