Saturday, December 10, 2005

Maybe it is good to be a girl.

Music: A Message- Coldplay

Well sometimes anyways. Am I right? It totally allows a person (usually a female person, but I am pretty open-minded) to be backwards, eccentric, irrational, and otherwise nuts with no explanation other than "PMS" or "bad day" or what ever. Not that this is a nice thing to do. Or a rational one or anything like that. But it is a perk of being a girl.
I guess being a guy would have perks too though. Not as awesome ones as being a girl, but okay ones nonetheless. When the girl is doing one of the things mentioned above a guy can totally ignore it, or make a joke, or what have you. Then when they are called on it they can claim "hey, I didn't know. I'm a dumb guy." Not that every guy will admit to being dumb, but imagine if they did. They could get out of EVERYTHING. Well not everything, not like stupid wars, or cussing in pre-schools, or anything. But at least some relationship things. I don't know what relationship things off the top of my head, but some relationship things. And whatever admitting dumbness doesn't work on there are always backrubs and flowers. Seriously, admitting dumbness, buying flowers, and backrubs can make a lady forget a lot of the minor things that crop up in relationships. At least I think so. Maybe. Hey try it out and let me know.

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