Thursday, December 08, 2005

Yo, yo, yo.

Been having kind of a weird week. Spent Monday and Tuesday in a funk, singin' the blues. Wednesday was better, today is good. It is kind of weird. The more I have to do, the happier I am. Even if it doesn't involve leaving the house. But I will never actively look for something to do. I am very much a homebody. For the most part I would rather be at home, chillin' and wacthin' TV than out doing stuff. I am not sure why this is. This weekend Erik and I wanna go shopping for Christmas. Well, we have our family stuff all done, all we have left is the dog and each other. I have no clue what I am gonna get Erik. He is pretty hard to shop for, he only wants really expensive stuff, but he doesn't REALLY want it. He just wouldn't mind having it. So it's kind of hard. I like to think I am an easy person to shop for. I am not exactly shy about saying what I like. Unless my mother-in-law is around. Because the second I say I like something she expects Erik to buy it for me. Even if I just say something is cute. But hey, if that is all that is "wrong" with my mother-in-law, then that's not bad at all. Anyways. I guess I didn't really have much to say, just kind of filling space. Felt a little bit guilty about not writing in here for a while. Not that anyone reads this or anything. Have a great weekend!!

PS: I would like to know how to add some things to my sidebar over there --> but I have no clue about HTML, also , anyone know how I can change the colour my posts titles come up in? I don't really like that color.

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