Saturday, January 28, 2006


That's the sound it makes when you blow raspberries ar someone. It alos odes a pretty good job describing how I feel today. I am a total wreck. I have intermittent ear aches, sinus aches and occasionally a sharp pain will run down the side of my face. I think I am dying.

Friday, January 27, 2006


I love to color. You know, with the book and the crayons and all that stuff, it just rocks. My favorite crayons were the Crayola Color Slick crayons, remember those? They were so nice, the color was really smooth, I think that they were made a little bit softer than the other types of crayons. They were also really bright and made nice cheery pictures. I wish I had a coloring book right now.

Also, check out my Flickr. I put up 2 new pictures!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just Thought I'd Fill You In...

It's my, I think , 3rd day of excersize. I am tired. They say that excersize wakes you up and gets you ready for your day... I don't get that particular effect. When I excersize I get tired. Like lie on the couch and watch Law and Order tired. But that's neiter here nor there (what does that even mean, anyways) I just thought I'd let you know, because I am pretty sure you care. Also as prrof that I am doing it and I ain't dead yet.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I did it!!

I finally got a real picture of me!! Don't you love it?

Grossest Wake-Up EVER.

This morning I was awakened by the most disgusting thing ever. Taz was sitting by my head scratching his ear or whatever. When he was done scratching he shook his head and something flew through the air and landed in my ear. Not in the upper cartilage or something, directly in my ear-hole. Amazing aim, and amazingly disgusting. Ew.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Every Day, Things Get a Little Wider...

Yeah this post is probably exactly what you thought it was going to be weight. If you live inside my head you will already know that it is one of my favorite conversational topics, followed and accompanied by food (go figure), hating basketball, and how long I can go without folding or ironing laundry. In fact the reason it comes to mind isn't because I frequently weigh myself, or because I have some undiagnosed eating disorder (which I kind of wish I did, since then I would have a better excuse, but not a scary one, like compulsive eating or anorexia or bulimia, but a gentler disorder that maybe is still undiscovered)but usually because my pants are hurting me. Yeah, I said it. Sometimes my pants hurt my waist area and it is embarassing.
Tonight the reason this comes to mind is because I found an old-ish skirt. This skirt is a size 5 and I wore it only 3 years ago. Less really. Then I looked at a skirt that fits me just right. It is a size 14. That is almost 3 times larger. That is so crazy. Not to mention a little bit scary. I mean, in 3 years I have gone up almost 10 pant sizes. That can't be healthy. I wonder how long it will take to lose 10 dress sizes.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I stole this from my "The Onion Fanfare For The Area Man" calendar:
Pisces: Don't worry if you don't understand the complex, yet seemingly effortless, unfolding of the universe. After all, you're stupid.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I Ain't Rich, Yo.

I really like this title, but I don't know what to write in this entry, so I will save it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Colour is a weird thing. I really like colour, almost all colours (not like acid-y ones). But one of the hardest things is picking a color to be surrounded by for while. As in what colours should i use in my house. I honestly don't know. The simplest option would be to leave things the way they are, but I see those home decorating shows and I think about how much I want something that they show but I don't know how to get it for myself. So I am faced with this dilemma: I want color in my life, but I don't know how to get it there.

I saw a show today on BBC America called "Dressing Dangerously" where a woman (or a guy, I guess) goes to them and they plan 4 different outfits for them to wear in a week. Like this woman wore something Marilyn Monroe-ish, Chic Bohemian, A PVC catsuit, and a wedding dress. Looked like a lot of fun. I wish I could do that. But the premise of the show was that wearing these outfits was that, in the course of the day, things would happen (because of the way others perceived you, or the way you now perceived yourself) that maybe gave you a new outlook on life, and I simply don't go enough places that the clothes I wear would make a difference. But I do like the idea of pretty much turning over your life to someone else and having them make a really important decision for you.

So I guess what I want is for someone else to decorate my house. Took me long enough to get here, yeah?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Hipster Bingo!

F'real. I found this thanks to a friend and just had to take it an add it to my blog. I though it was fitting. You will all be pleased to know I do not have a bingo with this.All I have is a too small sweater and this is bacause I am kind of fat.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pet Peeve # 84758398.002

Okay I have pet peeves. Yes, shocking, I know. This is my newest one. People should not fill out a wedding gift registry for their second (or more!) wedding. NEVER EVER. In fact I am kind of thinking you shouldn't get to fill out a gift registry if you are over 30 or have lived on your own for 5 years. And to those who do have filled out a gift registry for their 457th wedding I WILL NOT GET YOU ANYTHING. You really should already have the things you need. HOnestly, i really think a gift registry is for people who are getting married for the first time and either A) have no clue what they will need in a real life kitchen/bedroom/bathroom or B) have no money to get it. Or a mix of the 2. But not for people who simply decide they want some new martini glasses from Crate and Barrel, or a new KitchenAid mixer from JC Penney. Please, buy those yourself. Or, you know what? If you don't really have the money to buy all that stuf may I suggest NOT GOING TO DISNEYLAND. That is all for this pet peeve.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Okay, I Guess I Was Wrong.

TV: Cold Case (TNT)

So today wasn't the worst day ever, even though I thought it would be. I got all my out of the house stuff done but in the house.. That's another story. For some reason I just don't feel like getting g stuff done. I think it maybe has something to do with the fact that Erik isn't getting home at a usual time. I don;t mean it to sound like I am making excuses for myself but I really think that I just have trouble getting motivated because there is really no one to see my house but me. I dunno. It's just kind of tough. On top of that I have had a headache all day. One of those sick headaches that makes you feel like you landed on your head real hard.
Anyways hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Worst Day Ever.

Okay well probably not. I only say that because I have to do stuff that I hate today. Namely drive to Mount Vernon to buy dog food (I hate driving, not buying dog food) and some other things (trip to WalMart.. blech) and then when I get home I really should iron some stuff for Erik. Cause he looks ragged at school with his wrinkly shirts. But today is a day I am not looking forward to. Not one bit. Yesterday was a good day though. I did laundry, which also means I laid on the couch for a good 6 hours watching TV while I waited for the clothes to dry. Mmm. Lying on the couch. Well I gues Id better get a move on. Spray starch and contact solution won't buy themselves (but wouldn't it be great if they did??!!?!?!)


PS notice the blue letters, they show how sad I am about driving and buying.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Well Hello There!

Long time no see huh? Yes it's a new year and to be perfectly honest I don't have any New Year's Resolutions. I kinda think they are pointless bacause I never keep them. Well maybe for like a week but that doesn't count.But just for you guys I think I will list a few of the things i though about resolving to do before decidint I was wasting my time.

  • Stop biting my nails

  • Take Taz on more walks

  • Lose weight

  • Learn to cook some new meals

  • Be more independent

  • Work more often

You know that sort of thing. I think my chances of doing some of these things will probably be a little better if I don't think of them as resolutions. But there they are. I have just put my faults on the inter-net.