Monday, January 02, 2006

Well Hello There!

Long time no see huh? Yes it's a new year and to be perfectly honest I don't have any New Year's Resolutions. I kinda think they are pointless bacause I never keep them. Well maybe for like a week but that doesn't count.But just for you guys I think I will list a few of the things i though about resolving to do before decidint I was wasting my time.

  • Stop biting my nails

  • Take Taz on more walks

  • Lose weight

  • Learn to cook some new meals

  • Be more independent

  • Work more often

You know that sort of thing. I think my chances of doing some of these things will probably be a little better if I don't think of them as resolutions. But there they are. I have just put my faults on the inter-net.

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