Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pet Peeve # 84758398.002

Okay I have pet peeves. Yes, shocking, I know. This is my newest one. People should not fill out a wedding gift registry for their second (or more!) wedding. NEVER EVER. In fact I am kind of thinking you shouldn't get to fill out a gift registry if you are over 30 or have lived on your own for 5 years. And to those who do have filled out a gift registry for their 457th wedding I WILL NOT GET YOU ANYTHING. You really should already have the things you need. HOnestly, i really think a gift registry is for people who are getting married for the first time and either A) have no clue what they will need in a real life kitchen/bedroom/bathroom or B) have no money to get it. Or a mix of the 2. But not for people who simply decide they want some new martini glasses from Crate and Barrel, or a new KitchenAid mixer from JC Penney. Please, buy those yourself. Or, you know what? If you don't really have the money to buy all that stuf may I suggest NOT GOING TO DISNEYLAND. That is all for this pet peeve.

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