Sunday, January 22, 2006

Every Day, Things Get a Little Wider...

Yeah this post is probably exactly what you thought it was going to be weight. If you live inside my head you will already know that it is one of my favorite conversational topics, followed and accompanied by food (go figure), hating basketball, and how long I can go without folding or ironing laundry. In fact the reason it comes to mind isn't because I frequently weigh myself, or because I have some undiagnosed eating disorder (which I kind of wish I did, since then I would have a better excuse, but not a scary one, like compulsive eating or anorexia or bulimia, but a gentler disorder that maybe is still undiscovered)but usually because my pants are hurting me. Yeah, I said it. Sometimes my pants hurt my waist area and it is embarassing.
Tonight the reason this comes to mind is because I found an old-ish skirt. This skirt is a size 5 and I wore it only 3 years ago. Less really. Then I looked at a skirt that fits me just right. It is a size 14. That is almost 3 times larger. That is so crazy. Not to mention a little bit scary. I mean, in 3 years I have gone up almost 10 pant sizes. That can't be healthy. I wonder how long it will take to lose 10 dress sizes.

1 comment:

Megan said...

oh,'s nothing copius amounts of ddr can't solve. it's been what, like, a month since i got it, and i've lost between 5 and ten pounds, which is insane.
