Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Blurker!! Blurker, I Say!!

Music (!): Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk- Rufus Wainwright

So I think I quite like this blogging stuff. Kind of gives me a chance to write stuff down, and say what I want. Now that what I want to say is important, or life altering or anything. More a forum for me to make lame jokes and then force to people to read it in a roundabout fishing for compliments way. By the way I love compliments. So don't be shy. Anyways, back to my point. Actually I don't really have one. Kind of why I like blogging. I don't have to have a point and no one really has to read it. But it is cool when you know people are reading your blog. I learned a "new" word. I think it's one of thoe hipster words that people maybe are using to make themselves sound cool but I will use it too, because I know I am cool. The word is "blurker" one who reads blogs but never comments.

Don't be a blurker!

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