Tuesday, November 22, 2005

One of those days...

TV:Something about Cleopatra. (The History Channel)

Well today is one of those days. You know the type. Where you wake up all refreshed but can't seem to get your rear in gear. Today my list of self-appointed tasks isn't that long. I just have to clean the whole house, and I want to get it done today because who wants to come home and cleam the day after Thanksgiving. No one, that's who. Well, maybe dear old Martha. But for the most part I am down with Martha. That lady has got her crap together, hasn't she? I'm not saying I want to do al that crafty stuff (no, no no no) but man there is something about watching as she does things and does them perfectly that makes my insides cry "I want that!". And then I punch them to shut them up. "One of these days Gall Bladder! POW! Right to the moon!"

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