Friday, November 18, 2005

Stupid Food, I Hate You

TV: Everyday Italian w/ Giadia deLaurentis (Food Network)

Man, they say you are supposed to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables everyday. As in a variety of fruits AND a variety of vegetables, not like 8 satsumas and a peice of lettuce. That doesn't count. But why do so many of the vegetables have to be gross? Like carrots and cabbage and cauliflower. Basically every vegetable that starts with a "C". I realized this while I watched the lady on TV making a butternut squash lasagna. Looks pretty gross to me, with squash and mozzarella and beschamel (sp?) sauce. Yeuch. The things people will do to their food. I think that the hardest part of the holidays is the food. Sure the turkey is good, but if you think about it the turkey is about the only food that is actually good for you. Think about it: out of all the traditional foods that come with the turkey the only ones that are good for you are MAYBE the sweet potatoes and the stuffing (I don't actually know what goes into a homemade stuffing, but I do know that it is delicious with gravy,and I know that most people eat sweet potatoes with a marshmallow on top). All in all though I am super excited for Thanksgiving, my in-laws cook a mean turkey and the stuffing is good too. Stupid food, why do you have to be so good...

Oh, food, I didn't mean that... I'm sorry. (Heads off to eat entire cake)

*disclaimer: The author did not actually eat a cake, she doesn't even like cake, however the saftey of the pan of brownies cannot be vouched for at this time.

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