Thursday, November 17, 2005

If I Can't Sleep The Least I Can Do Is Bore You.

TV: Modern Marvels: The Distillery (The History Channel)

I hate not being able to sleep. I really do. Like tonight, for example: it is after 1 in the morning and to be honest I would love to be asleep even if I was having bad dreams (see last post). But no, instead I am awake and learning way more about alcohol than I need to. I mean please, I don't even drink but I am pretty sure that if I had a big pot, and a copper coil and a smaller pot, along with all the ingredients, I could make me some (terrible) alcohol. And that is why I love TV. Because someone like me can simply watch whatever is on and learn something completely useless. And boy do I learn some useless crap. From Mythbusters I have learned more about things like physics and chemistry than I EVER learned in school, from The History Channel I have learned that we get alot of our superstitions from Rome, also that no matter how many dead ends folks travel people will never EVER get tired of Atlantis, Stonehenge, and Easter Island. Although they never really talk about the mythical city of Mu, pretty much the Pacific Coean version of Atlantis. But I digress. See whenever I sit down at the computer I turn on the TV. And it is almost always on the History Channel, the Discovery Channnel, National Geographic Channel, A&E, or Food Network. I think I do this because otherwise I can't really justify how much TV I watch. And I kind of watch alot, but who am I kidding no one cares about the TV I watch and if you have read this maybe you are as sad as me and we should start a club.

1 comment:

Megan said...

maaaaan. I totally thik that they could replace school with certain TV channels, and no one would be able to tell the difference in our grades/performance on standardized tests. Except that maybe they would get better. Someone should fund this.
