Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I took a walk.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
People Are Weird.
So I am pretty sure people are weird. Not weird like eating worms, or wearing underwear outside their clothes, but weird as in normal doesn't exist and people are always on different pages from one another. Not every person is different from every other person, but person may be totally different from persons 2, 3, 4 5, 7, 8, and 9, and be very similar to person 6. I do have a point here so stick with me. This is probably why people find friends in such odd places, have friendships that wax and wane, and realize they love someone who is totally unlike anything they (or anyone else) ever thought they would want.
I kind of say this thanks to MySpace.com. I have an account and it has been pretty cool for finding people I was friends with in high school. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I really think we have the friends we do in high school for a reason. Not that finding lifelong friendship or love there is unheard of and totally out of this world, but that it maybe is one in a million.
I totally like/love all the friends I had in high school. The memories that I made during that time in my life will always have a special place in my heart but we do get older. Things that weren't important to us at that point have become life-and-death matters and things we didn't think we could live without as teenagers suddenly seem extraneous. I'm not saying that even though we are 4 years older (and counting!) we could never be friends again, but maybe more that we don't need to be friends anymore. We don't need each other the way we once did, we aren't being thrown together sort of against our will. In the interceding years we have changed for the better or for the worse, it doesn’t matter. It happened. And it will keep happening. We will keep meeting new people and making new friends. We will keep running into the people from our past and renewing friendships. It's not good or bad. It just is.
So I guess my point is that even though you knew this person, and you were best friends, and cried on each other's shoulders and laughed at the dorky kid who wore a suit everyday and went to parties and graduation and pep rallies and laughed at the cheerleader being off tempo, you maybe don’t know them anymore. You don't know what they've been through, what they are going through. All you have is this image of what they were, how you remember them and maybe this wasn't even their true self. Maybe this was just an image they projected, or maybe it was just a phase. OR maybe that was their true self, but you've changed. It's okay. No one expects you to stay the same for ever and ever. It is our right to change and grow and mature. Don't hold it against them, and don't hold it against yourself.
Music: Don't Stop Believing- Journey.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Maybe it is good to be a girl.
Well sometimes anyways. Am I right? It totally allows a person (usually a female person, but I am pretty open-minded) to be backwards, eccentric, irrational, and otherwise nuts with no explanation other than "PMS" or "bad day" or what ever. Not that this is a nice thing to do. Or a rational one or anything like that. But it is a perk of being a girl.
I guess being a guy would have perks too though. Not as awesome ones as being a girl, but okay ones nonetheless. When the girl is doing one of the things mentioned above a guy can totally ignore it, or make a joke, or what have you. Then when they are called on it they can claim "hey, I didn't know. I'm a dumb guy." Not that every guy will admit to being dumb, but imagine if they did. They could get out of EVERYTHING. Well not everything, not like stupid wars, or cussing in pre-schools, or anything. But at least some relationship things. I don't know what relationship things off the top of my head, but some relationship things. And whatever admitting dumbness doesn't work on there are always backrubs and flowers. Seriously, admitting dumbness, buying flowers, and backrubs can make a lady forget a lot of the minor things that crop up in relationships. At least I think so. Maybe. Hey try it out and let me know.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Yo, yo, yo.
PS: I would like to know how to add some things to my sidebar over there --> but I have no clue about HTML, also , anyone know how I can change the colour my posts titles come up in? I don't really like that color.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Holy Crap...
No, seriously, holy crap. My house totally needs a good cleaning. I haven't gotten off my lazy but all week. The kitchen is abominable (good things I haven't cooked anything, yeah?), the laundry is on the living room floor, my bedroom carpet has completely diappeared,a nd I don't even want to think about the bathrooms. Anyone want to come over and clean my house? For free? I didn't think so. But that's cool, no one really wants to clean. Except maybe my mother-in-law. Now that is one ambitious lady. Not ambitious politically, or monetarily or anything. Cleaning ambitious. And I have no desire to be like that. Nah, I'd raher have someone else do the cleaning. See if you haven't figured it out yet, I am kind of lazy. I would much rather read (just finished The Witch of Cologne by Tabsha Learner, pretty good. Too much sex though, made it a little too porn-y.) or watch TV, play scrabble, play Sims 2, sleep, really anything. Except maybe drive. I really don't like driving. Anyways. I think I need to get a move on. Not that I really want to or anything.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I Want That!!
I am a fairly superficial person. This may come as a surprise to most of you but when you hear me out maybe it won't be as surprising. I want. I want all the time. Not just things but ideas. No, wait maybe that isn't right. I don't think I know what is right. I want to know what I mean and how to put it into words. But just to prove to you that I am pretty serious here is a list of what I want:
I want clothes. This one is pretty normal, lots of people want clothes.
I want to be thin. I used to be pretty darn thin and now I totally miss it. I know I could change this but I am impatient and I want it NOW.
I want a bigger house. I can't really explain this one. We just bought our house last January and it is brand new, but I never imagined myself in a house this size. I always thought it would be bigger, like a farm house or something.
I want a bigger bed. We have a Queen and this is probably plenty for most people but I am nt exactly a sound sleeper. My nickname as a small kid was worm because I have to turn over and over and over before I can fall asleep. Every time.
I want to be more tired. Not during the day or anything, at night. Again something I could do something about. And would probably require the same stuff as the "to be thinner" want. A mix of getting up earlier and excersizing more. But I am not good at those things.
I want more friends. I am not very good at making friends. I am better with writing than talking. Unless I am reading soething I have written. I usually just don't have much to say, so I try to cover it up with saying to much and then I have dominated the conversation and talked about myself the whole time.
I want to have a kid. Easily done, you say? Not for me. We have been trying for nearly 2 years and nothing. My doctor thinks I might have poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. Which basically means my ovaries dont make normal eggs, they make cysts. So the chances of getting pregnant without help are pretty slim. Although I have to admit, the idea of twins or something isn't that bad. I've always kind of wanted twins. See there is another want.
I want to like driving. Right now I hate it. I am always deathly afraid I am gonna drive off a cliff or hit something. Going to lose control of my car, or have the brakes fail or something. This is most of the reason I don't drive, don't go to college, that kind of stuff. I just don't like driving.
So you see some of these things are changable. (oh, yeah, also I pretty much typed them in the order I thought of them, you can pretty much surmise what you want to from that) Alot of them aren't. Some owuld take a really long time, others I could do in a day, if I put my mind to it. Worst part? That isn't even a full list. I think I could go on. But I won't.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Blurker!! Blurker, I Say!!
So I think I quite like this blogging stuff. Kind of gives me a chance to write stuff down, and say what I want. Now that what I want to say is important, or life altering or anything. More a forum for me to make lame jokes and then force to people to read it in a roundabout fishing for compliments way. By the way I love compliments. So don't be shy. Anyways, back to my point. Actually I don't really have one. Kind of why I like blogging. I don't have to have a point and no one really has to read it. But it is cool when you know people are reading your blog. I learned a "new" word. I think it's one of thoe hipster words that people maybe are using to make themselves sound cool but I will use it too, because I know I am cool. The word is "blurker" one who reads blogs but never comments.
Don't be a blurker!
Monday, November 28, 2005
Oops! Not quite done yet!
I sometimes have ideas. Sometimes they are good and useful for all of mankind and sometimes they are faniciful and pointless. I have recently had an idea that is more useful and good than pointless and this is cause for celebration. So visit my link and then go ahead and spend some time cruising around. You've done well today and you deserve it.
Halfbakery: Passive Scheduling
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Sad Things About Growing Up...
WARNING: This is kind of long an self serving; there is no guarantee of humor.
So I am 22, and I am kind of a grown up now. I mean I am married, I have a dog, have bought a house, my husband helps coach a high school basketball team, so I must be kind of grown up. And I don't feel particularly grown up sometimes. When people are teen agers they spend quite a bit of time thinking about hew great it will be when they grow up, and I am here to tell you that it isn;t all it is cracked up to be. I mean sure there is some cool stuff about being an adult, but there is also some junky stuff.
Like jobs. Now I don't have a job per ce, but I can imagine having a job (which, as a teenager, I didn't need at all) and it is not a pretty picture. Getting up at 7 (or earlier!!), driving for maybe an hour, and then looking at the list of things you have to do or else there will be no money for food, or a roof, or water, or whatever. See as a teenager, unless your family has hit hard times, you don't necessarily have to earn money. You sure can, if you want to, but you don't have to. Then while you are at your job you are told what to do, you can't go pee with out some HR guy timing you and people are always asking for status reports. Not my idea of a fun time.
Then there is food. When you live with your parents food is kind of a non-issue. There is a pretty good chance there is some kind of food in your house, maybe even left overs (if you are lucky). When I lived with my parents I maybe had to make lunch for myself , and whatever snack I wanted. Dinner was always taken care of. As an adult who has to live on a budget (no eating out every night) I have to cook dinner almost every night. It gets so boring. If anything the meals are what I miss most about my parents house.
One's social life is also something that maybe isn't as cool as the media makes it out to be. If TV is to be believed if you are over 20 there is a party every night, and more on the weekends. TV tells us that if you are a cool adult you will have a sweet coffee shop with your own special couch, or a book store where people know your name, or somewhere else to hang out that is hip and cool and where cute guys will pick you up. I wish life was like that.
By my senior year of high school I had alot of friends and some of them did go on to have cool, hip lives. Some of them go to cool Halloweeen parties and some of them are in bands. But those are just a few. Alot of the people I grew up with moved on to completely different lives than they wanted. Some of them are unwed mothers, some of them became criminals. I lost touch with most of them, some of them I miss, others I couldn't care less. I am not sure what my point is, but I think it probably has something to do with the same cheesy line of don't waste your childhood. Eat the meals your parents cook, take advantage of the times your friends ask you to hang out, and make the most of your free time, because I promise you, it is important, and it is fleeting.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
One of those days...
Well today is one of those days. You know the type. Where you wake up all refreshed but can't seem to get your rear in gear. Today my list of self-appointed tasks isn't that long. I just have to clean the whole house, and I want to get it done today because who wants to come home and cleam the day after Thanksgiving. No one, that's who. Well, maybe dear old Martha. But for the most part I am down with Martha. That lady has got her crap together, hasn't she? I'm not saying I want to do al that crafty stuff (no, no no no) but man there is something about watching as she does things and does them perfectly that makes my insides cry "I want that!". And then I punch them to shut them up. "One of these days Gall Bladder! POW! Right to the moon!"
Friday, November 18, 2005
Stupid Food, I Hate You
Man, they say you are supposed to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables everyday. As in a variety of fruits AND a variety of vegetables, not like 8 satsumas and a peice of lettuce. That doesn't count. But why do so many of the vegetables have to be gross? Like carrots and cabbage and cauliflower. Basically every vegetable that starts with a "C". I realized this while I watched the lady on TV making a butternut squash lasagna. Looks pretty gross to me, with squash and mozzarella and beschamel (sp?) sauce. Yeuch. The things people will do to their food. I think that the hardest part of the holidays is the food. Sure the turkey is good, but if you think about it the turkey is about the only food that is actually good for you. Think about it: out of all the traditional foods that come with the turkey the only ones that are good for you are MAYBE the sweet potatoes and the stuffing (I don't actually know what goes into a homemade stuffing, but I do know that it is delicious with gravy,and I know that most people eat sweet potatoes with a marshmallow on top). All in all though I am super excited for Thanksgiving, my in-laws cook a mean turkey and the stuffing is good too. Stupid food, why do you have to be so good...
Oh, food, I didn't mean that... I'm sorry. (Heads off to eat entire cake)
*disclaimer: The author did not actually eat a cake, she doesn't even like cake, however the saftey of the pan of brownies cannot be vouched for at this time.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
What I Did While I Couldn't Sleep
Okay I was kind of tired so I checked out www.blinkerfluid.com ( pretty cool l website, almost always at least 1 funny link) and I found an illustrated story about a guy giving his cat an enema. Then I checked out the main page. The bloggy bits are alright but the stories on the side are the true gems.
If I Can't Sleep The Least I Can Do Is Bore You.
I hate not being able to sleep. I really do. Like tonight, for example: it is after 1 in the morning and to be honest I would love to be asleep even if I was having bad dreams (see last post). But no, instead I am awake and learning way more about alcohol than I need to. I mean please, I don't even drink but I am pretty sure that if I had a big pot, and a copper coil and a smaller pot, along with all the ingredients, I could make me some (terrible) alcohol. And that is why I love TV. Because someone like me can simply watch whatever is on and learn something completely useless. And boy do I learn some useless crap. From Mythbusters I have learned more about things like physics and chemistry than I EVER learned in school, from The History Channel I have learned that we get alot of our superstitions from Rome, also that no matter how many dead ends folks travel people will never EVER get tired of Atlantis, Stonehenge, and Easter Island. Although they never really talk about the mythical city of Mu, pretty much the Pacific Coean version of Atlantis. But I digress. See whenever I sit down at the computer I turn on the TV. And it is almost always on the History Channel, the Discovery Channnel, National Geographic Channel, A&E, or Food Network. I think I do this because otherwise I can't really justify how much TV I watch. And I kind of watch alot, but who am I kidding no one cares about the TV I watch and if you have read this maybe you are as sad as me and we should start a club.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
When Do I Grow Out Of This?
So dreams are crazy. Last night I had a bunch of weird dreams. The first one I remember was that I was walking to get my mail and my neighbors pet lion was there and then it chased me and ate me, and I woke up just as it's mouth was closing over my face. When I woke up it was so dark in my room that I kind of thought I was in the Lion's belly. I hate dreams like that. I always wake up with my heart pounding and kind of scared to go back to sleep. I mean I am 22 why am I still having nightmares?
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Back Country Doofus
I love TV. I really do. I like so many of the different shows they have. I even like some of the different commercials. Like the show I am watching now Dirty Jobs on Discovery Channel ( I love this channel) it's so cool. These 2 guys are standing in the middle of a flock of ostriches making ostrich noises (woo woo wwhhooooo) and then they go clean ostrich puke out of the water barrels. YEA for TV! Oh and then there is the Nokia commercial where the guy sings the Dukes of Hazzard theme song. HAH! Have you seen thay guy's face while he sing? I mean kudos for getting on TV but seriously, he looks like a back country doofus. Yet I can't keep from watching it, I mean stop whatever I am doing and watching his face contort and his eyes look heavenward waiting for the line "It's my theme song". Its like a train wreck and I can't tear my eyes away.
My Title